Very Important Pet Parent Spotlight

Scott Felts, Reggie, Raymond & Baby

I have a pack of three silly rescue dogs. I found the two little ones (Reggie & Raymond) in a ditch and found the big one (Baby) in a field behind my mother’s ranch house. I committed to these guys and promised to keep them safe, loved, and healthy as long as they were in my pack.

If you are reading this, you are an animal person and you get me. We all love our pets; but this situation has been a little more different for me than with my past dogs. I never want these sweet babies to ever feel how hopeless they must have felt before we found them. When I leave home for business (they hate my suitcase), I want them to feel like everything will be ok.

Finding this relationship with Jennifer and The 9 to 5 Pet crew has lifted a weight off my shoulders. I know my silly dogs are in great hands when I leave. Thank you Jennifer!