Contributed by Lora Frazier, 9 to 5 Pets
Recently many schools, universities, and businesses have been requiring employees and students to stay home. This is a helpful measure to ensure the safety of Jacksonville residents but can also result in a bad case of the stir-crazies! One way to decrease stress, provide purpose, and entertain the little ones is to foster a cat or dog. Pets are known to provide comfort and relieve stress which is perfect in these trying times. Fostering also allows you to practice social distancing and still help make a positive impact in our community!
My family and I have been avid foster parents for many years and it has been a big blessing in my life. Coming home to a new family of kittens or puppies always brought a huge smile to my face! When I was a kid, these little pets provided me with a sense of purpose and companionship. They also taught me valuable lessons about responsibility, all while being adorable and snuggly! And if fostering baby animals sounds like too much of a challenge, you can always foster an adult dog or cat. They still provide you with the comfort and stress relief, but without the hassle of bottle feeding or potty training. These adult cats and dogs are also less likely to be adopted out quickly, so the vacation from the shelter helps these animals relax and de-stress from shelter life. They will enjoy it just as much as you will!
The city municipal shelter in Jacksonville has currently been closed to intakes of dogs, so the Jacksonville Humane Society has seen a large increase in their dog population. Coupled with the recent COVID-19 news, they could potentially see a dramatic decrease in volunteers and employees who prefer to stay home. So now is the perfect time to help out and open your home to a cat or dog in need! The CDC has also reported that there have been no cases of animals or pets contracting COVID-19 so there isn’t a risk factor bringing a new pet into your home. You do not need an appointment to foster, just head over to the Jacksonville Humane Society during normal operating hours. For more information visit: FOSTER JAX HUMANE