Very Important Pet Parent Spotlight

Chris Stone & Ruka

Chris & RukaWhat brought you to Florida?
I grew up in Miami and moved to Jacksonville in 1988 when I got married. We raised two daughters and love living at the beach!

Have you always had pets?

Please introduce us to your Fur Family. How did you meet and become FURever companions?
Ruka is a 14 month old Australian Shepherd. My daughter was living with us during COVID last summer. She knew how much we missed our prior dog Chili and started searching for a rescue. Every time we found a dog they were already taken so I told her to stop looking. She kept looking without us knowing and found Ruka and showed her to me. I told her that was my new dog. She told me not to get my hopes up but I knew in my heart she was ours. We had to write an essay on why we thought she would be a good fit in our family. When I got the phone call a week later to say she was ours I knew it was meant to be. It was love at first sight.

Samantha & RukaWhat do you love most about your pet?
She is 38 pounds but thinks she is a lap dog. She is so funny when she tucks my husband into bed every night. She likes to nap like me and has the sweetest personality.

How has 9 to 5 Pets made your life easier? What does your pet enjoy the most from our service?
Australian Shepherds need exercise and she is very routine. 9 to 5 has made it possible to keep her routine and they love to spoil her. The 9 to 5 pet walkers have treated my dog and us like we are all family. They are so sweet and Ruka gets so excited to see them. I cannot say enough good things about them. We are very happy customers.

What are your favorite activities you share with your pet?
Going to the beach and chasing birds.

Share a fond memory with your pet:
We have only had her a few months and she has already brought us so much laughter at a time when we really needed it.

Ruka on a walkWhat life lessons have you learned from your pet?
Owning a dog is a commitment but so well worth it.

If you had to wear a T-Shirt with one word on it for a year, what word would you choose?

If you could instantly become an expert in something what would it be?

Ruka in Atlantic BeachWhat is the best gift anyone has ever given to you?
My dog Ruka. Sounds corny but she has made me realize how much she rescued me rather than the reverse.

Ruka on the Beach