Very Important Pet Parent Spotlight

Jocelynn Becksmith & Finn

Finn as a Puppy Playing in YardWhat brought you to Florida?
I came to Florida when I was 12 years old and have been here ever since. I met my husband in 2001 and he was born and raised in Jacksonville.

Have you always had pets?
Yes, I grew up with dogs and my husband and I have now had 3 labs over the years.

Finn on a mid day walkPlease introduce us to your Fur Family. How did you meet and become FURever companions?
Our fur baby is Finn, he is a chocolate lab a little over a year old. We researched dog breeders for a while and came upon the perfect breeder of chocolate labs in South Carolina. We were so excited to welcome Finn to his forever home with us!

What do you love most about your pet?
Finn is so lovable, he gives kisses all the time. He loves to cuddle with you day and night. He loves going to the dog park to swim and playing fetch.

Finn playing with his ballHow has 9 to 5 Pets made your life easier? What does your pet enjoy the most from our service?
9 to 5 Pets have been amazing to help with our fur baby while we are away at work. Finn loves when his dog walker friends come to visit and take him out to walk in our neighborhood.

What are your favorite activities you share with your pet?
We enjoy relaxing and cuddling with Finn, playing fetch at the park and going for walks.

Finn in the NC mountainsShare a fond memory with your pet:
We love taking Finn on trips with us to GA or NC. He loves riding in the car!!

What life lessons have you learned from your Fur Family?
Dogs are so forgiving and lovable. They show you unconditional love at all times.

If you had to wear a T-Shirt with one word on it for a year, what word would you choose?

Finn playing in a mountain streamIf you could instantly become an expert in something what would it be?
Find a cure for ALL cancers!

What is the best gift anyone has ever given to you?
The best gift I’ve ever received is to show compassion for all animals.